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List of publications
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  1. Reducing scattered light in LIGO's third Observing run arXiv 2007.14876 Siddharth Soni et al

  2. Discovering features in gravitational-wave data through detector characterization, citizen science, and machine learning arXiv 2103.12104 Siddharth Soni et al

  3. LIGO Detector Characterization in Second and Third Observing Runs arXiv 2101.11673    D Davis et al 

  4. Environmental noise in Advanced LIGO Detectors arXiv 2101.09935 P Nguyen et al

  5. Sensitivity and Performance of the Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Third Observing Run arXiv 2008.01301  A Buikema et al

  6. Improving the Robustness of the Advanced LIGO Detectors to Earthquakes arXiv 2007.12847 Eyal Schwartz et al

In the following publications, my work made indirect contributions and I am listed as an author.
  1. R Abbott et al “Properties and Astrophysical Implications of the 150 M Binary Black Hole Merger GW190521” arXiv 2009.01190v1

  2. R Abbott et al “GW190814: Gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 23 solar mass black hole with a 2.6 solar mass compact object” arXiv 2006.12611v1

  3. B.P. Abbott et al “GW190425: Observation of a compact binary coalescence with total mass ~ 3.4 solar mass” arXiv 2001.01761v3

  4. H Yu et al “Quantum correlations between the light and kilogram-mass mirrors of LIGO” arXiv 2002.01519v1

  5. B.P. Abbott et al, “Model comparison from LIGO-Virgo data on GW170817’s binary components and consequences for the merger remnant” arXiv 1908.01012v3

  6. M. Tse et al “Quantum-Enhanced Advanced LIGO Detectors in the Era of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy” Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 231107

  7. B.P. Abbott et al “Search for gravitational-wave signals associated with gamma-ray bursts during the second observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo” arXiv 1907.01443v3

  8. B.P. Abbott et al “Search for Eccentric Binary Black Hole Mergers with Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo during their First and Second Observing Runs” arXiv 1907.09384v2

  9. B.P. Abbott et al “Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first and second observing runs of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo network” arXiv 1906.08000v3

  10. B.P. Abbott et al “All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the second Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run” arXiv 1905.03457v1

  11. B.P. Abbott et al “All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients in the second Advanced LIGO observing run” arXiv 1903.12015v2

Selected Talks
  1. Advanced LIGO detectors and the birth of Gravitational Wave astronomy  Plenary talk at SESAPS 2020
  2. LIGO Lab Award Talk January 2021
  3. Fast scattering in LIGO and Detchar noise sprint at LIGO-Virgo-Kagra Conference Sept 2020
  4. Training a new GravitySpy model at LIGO Detector Characterization Telecon June 2020
  5. Scattering noise at LIGO Livingston at LIGO Detector Characterization Telecon April 2020
Github open source contributions
  1. gwdetchar/gwdetchar: 1.0.2 Zenodo  

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